open house

Whether you're just starting your house hunt or are already deep in the search, open houses can be hugely valuable. Make sure you're maximizing your weekend trips with these seven must dos.

  • TAKE YOUR AGENT. Some buyers may want to check out places themselves, but it can be helpful to have your agent along for the ride. It helps them get a better sense of what you're looking for, and they can get helpful insights from the seller's agent if you're interested.

  • OPEN EVERYTHING. From doors to cabinet drawers, it's the only way to get an accurate sense of storage—and to make sure you don't miss a room!

  • TAKE THE TAKEAWAYS. That extra paper may seem like a waste, but once you've seen more than a few houses, you'll need something to help you keep them straight.

  • TAKE PICTURES AND NOTES. Again, it's easy to forget what you saw where. The provided takeaways are a great start, but help yourself remember what you do—and don't—like about a place.

  • CHECK OUT THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Spend some time walking around the house. Are there close neighbors? What's the traffic like? Remember, you don't just buy a house—it's the whole neighborhood.

  • BE CAREFUL TALKING TO THE SELLER'S AGENT. This agent does not represent you and anything that you say can and will be used against you.. seriously.

  • SO IMPORTANT WE SAY IT AGAIN “TAKE YOUR AGENT!” By now you should have talked directly to one of our buyer specialist, if not please call 928-227-8575 to be connected to your agent. They may ask about recent updates to the house and see if they've done any inspections yet. Find out if the seller has a timeline. The more you know about their needs, the more easily you can work around them—and put together a tempting offer if you love the home.